Dear colleagues I have an MRC-funded PhD position currently available in my lab to study proteins involved in sporulation of the human pathogen Clostridium difficile (details below). I would appreciate if you can pass the information to potential students and/or advertise it in your institutions.
Many thanks Paula Project details: Clostridium difficile (Cdiff) is one of the major causes of hospital acquired infections, a serious health concern that puts a significant economic burden on healthcare systems. Cdiff is resistant to most antibiotics and causes infection when the normal population of gut bacteria is disturbed by these drugs. Recent outbreaks show greater antibiotic resistance, more serious disease and higher risk of repeating infections. Clostridia forms dormant cells - spores - which are responsible for transmission and recurrent disease and can survive in the environment due to their resistance to common disinfectants, high temperatures and radiation. Our current research focuses on proteins involved in the early stages of sporulation and aim to elucidate the mechanisms and proteins involved in the engulfment of the smaller "daughter" cell (forespore) by the larger mother cell. In this project, we are particularly interested in the peptidoglycan (PG) remodelling activity of proteins involved in early stages of engulfment, as well as their potential interaction/interdependence with an essential mother cell to forespore communication channel. The project will involve a combination of structural biology and biophysical analysis, coupled with in vivo localisation, functional studies and peptidoglycan activity assays. The student will benefit from exceptional training in diverse disciplines: molecular and cell biology, protein purification, structure determination and PG biology to provide new understanding into Cdiff sporulation that would open new therapeutic avenues. Applicant details: The project involves a multi-disciplinary approach and students interested in bacterial infections and the challenges faced in understanding and fighting these pathogens are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate would be a keen, motivated student, with an interest in microbiology and/or structural biology and an inquisitive, curious approach to research. The successful candidate must have an undergraduate degree awarded at an upper second or higher (or equivalent) in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Molecular Biology or related subject (for 4 year programme) or a Masters degree (for 3 year programme). Equivalent experience will also be considered. Studentship details: The studentship will cover a tax-free stipend of approximately £14,057 per year, research costs and tuition fees, and is available to UK students and to EU citizens who have been in the UK for the three years prior to the academic year 2015-16. Fees only studentships (no stipend) are available to EU citizens who have been a resident of the EU but not UK. For further details, contact For application, please use application portal<> =================================== Dr Paula S. Salgado Lecturer in Macromolecular Crystallography Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences Faculty of Medical Sciences 3rd Floor Cookson Building Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK Tel: +44 (0)191 208 7432 Fax: +44 (0)191 208 7424 Email:<>