Dear all,

thank you very much for all your suggestions. The one that worked for me
was Sam's actually. Indeed in that column I had As, then nothing, then also
Ds, and Vs or some other letters... I don't know. I just removed the whole
column and now when I open it in pymol it looks good!

Super thanks!!



2015-02-05 18:33 GMT+01:00 Horrell, Sam <>:

>  Hi Almudena,
>  Have a look in your PDB file in the second to last colum, if it looks
> something like the example below then delete the As from the fine and it
> should connect up. I've had this before, not sure where it came from but
> removing it fixed the problem.
>  ATOM    371  CA  PRO A  48     -11.300 -19.315 -35.308  1.00 91.62
>     C
> ATOM    372  CB  PRO A  48     -10.546 -20.584 -35.726  1.00 90.06
>   C
> ATOM    373  CG  PRO A  48      -9.106 -20.254 -35.548  1.00 91.26
>   C
> ATOM    374  CD  PRO A  48      -8.992 -19.119 -34.570  1.00 91.06
>   C
> ATOM    375  C   PRO A  48     -12.669 -19.668 -34.722  1.00 85.38
>   C
> ATOM    376  O   PRO A  48     -13.686 -19.209 -35.228  1.00 79.05
>   O
> ATOM    377  N   ARG A  49     -12.683 -20.461 -33.658  1.00 91.80      A
>    N
> ATOM    378  CA  ARG A  49     -13.936 -20.872 -33.022  1.00101.75      A
>    C
> ATOM    379  CB  ARG A  49     -13.717 -22.064 -32.077  1.00109.37      A
>    C
> ATOM    380  CG  ARG A  49     -15.008 -22.749 -31.637  1.00106.33      A
>    C
> ATOM    381  CD  ARG A  49     -14.933 -23.259 -30.207  1.00104.16      A
>    C
> Hope that helps,
>  Sam
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Almudena
> Ponce Salvatierra []
> *Sent:* 04 February 2015 17:07
> *Subject:* [ccp4bb] off topic pymol
>    Dear all,
> does anyone know why if I open a pdb in pymol (that appears normal and
> fully connected in coot) it appears as if it was broken into pieces?
>  Thanks,
>  Almudena.
> --
>  Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
> Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
> Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
> Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen
> Germany

Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen

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