Also, check the quality of the map going into density modification (by either 
solomon or DM) and whether the output solvent mask is consistent with your 
structure. Depending on the quality of the experimental phases, you can 
generally see the outline of the molecule and see NCS in your experimental maps 
(e.g. 6A maps of yeast pol II by Kornberg, yeast FAS, etc).  If you cannot see 
a reasonable outline of the molecule, the solvent mask for DM/solomon is going 
to be poor as well. 


On Jan 26, 2015, at 10:21 AM, Nicolas Soler <> wrote:

> The documentation seems to suggest to restrict yourself up to the resolution 
> where good phasing information is available (6.5A in my case) and I get 
> excellent indicators only if I do that (they become horrible if I use the 
> full resolution range). How about phase extension ? Which parameters would 
> you then use?

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