Hi Rohit, What about your Rfree? what about your protein geometry?
I will try to figure out this residual density at the realy latest step of the refinement.
Because of your resolution, no anomalous signal available and Van der Waals problems it could be difficult for a referee believe in a Cl ion. That you probably wants to describe like
close to you active site, so of some relevance for the activity. All the best Carlos -- Carlos CONTRERAS MARTEL, Ph.D. (CR1 CNRS) carlos.contreras-mar...@ibs.fr "Bacterial Pathogenesis Group" Institut de Biologie Structurale UMR5075 CEA-CNRS-Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 IBS 71, avenue des Martyrs CS 10090 38044 Grenoble CEDEX 9 FRANCE tel : (+33) (0)4 57 42 86 41 http://www.ibs.fr/groupes/groupe-pathogenie-bacterienne/ http://www.ibs.fr/groups/bacterial-pathogenesis-group/