Dear Anusman -

It actually looks like the refinement didn't go so badly (the atoms are all in electron density), it's just that the Al - F bond lengths are a bit too long for Coot to draw them as bonds.

I don't know what the correct bond distances should be (consult the literature and the PDB for that), but if your refinement is not giving you those bond distances, perhaps your molecule and the dictionary restraints don't match. You should look at the section near the beginning of the Refmac log file where it mentions disulfide bonds and other non-standard bonds to be used. You're looking for the bonding statements referring to the atoms of your ligand, like this:

 $TEXT:Warning: $$ Potential and actual links $$
  WARNING : link:NAG-ASN  is found dist =     1.440 ideal_dist=     1.439
ch:AA res: 350 ASN at:ND2 .->Ab res: 601 NAG at:C1 .

If the statement for your AlF3 says "link is found (not be used)" that means your link restraints won't be applied in the refinement. The usual result of this is for the atoms to drift apart from each other somewhat; this would give you the result you see.

I hope this helps!

- Matt

On 1/16/15 2:07 PM, ansuman biswas wrote:
Dear users,

I have a data at 2.2 A resolution. I am able to model AlF3 into the electron density (fig attached). However after one cycle of refinement the AlF3 molecule is exploding and the atoms move apart (fig2).

AlF3 is already present in refmac library. First, I used that. But it broke up after refinement.

Then, I extracted AlF3 coordinate from already published PDB and prepared the cif file. But, it also failed. I modified the cif file by changing the bond lengths according to the broken AlF3 structure but it was of no help.
Kindly suggest how to carry out the refinement.


Matthew Franklin, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10027
(212) 939-0660 ext. 9374

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