Dear Dialing,

You can use Rotate/Translate zone (
to do that, just clicking twice on the same residue to chose a zone of one.


2015-01-15 14:45 GMT+01:00 Dialing Pretty <>:

> Dear All,
> If I rebuild a 4-residue peptide, and the first 1 is leu. When I rebuild
> the first one, the sidechain of leu occupies the electron density of the
> first 3 residues. Can you tell me the method to turn the side chain of Leu
> from position of the first 3 residues to its sidechain position in the
> electron density may?
> In addition, for coot real space refinement, can you tell me how many
> residues or the length of the fragment one time can process?
> Dialing

Folmer Fredslund

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