I have had young ones grow lysozyme crystals in just a few minutes, using
eye droppers and petri dishes.  The crystals grow very fast, you can watch
them grow in the microscope.  Also they grow large enough you can see them
by eye.  Some izit dye would be fun to add (never did that).   Then I let
them take the setups home with them (nothing toxic in it).  They all wanted
to take them home.

Stock solutions:

100 mg/ml sigma lysozyme in 50 mM sodium Acetate pH 4.5

4 M stock NaCl

50% w/v MPEG 5,000

1 M stock sodium acetate pH 4.5

 Reservoir MasterMix for 60 reactions

9 mL water

22.5 mL NaCl

4.5 mL sodium acetate

54 mL MPEG

 with transfer pipette into small 35X10 mm Petri dish

1 drop protein + 1 drop reservoir

Mix equal amount of lysozyme with reagent. Dilute protein and/or MPEG
and/or Sodium Chloride for less nucleation, larger, and better shaped

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 1:02 PM, David Schuller <schul...@cornell.edu> wrote:

>  This one is probably above second grade, but the equipment setup is
> pretty easy
> http://ipl.physics.harvard.edu/wp-uploads/2013/03/15c_s07_5.pdf
> Measuring the wavelength of light with a ruler
> On 01/08/15 13:35, John Lee wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>  Slightly off topic here but I got myself volunteered by my 2nd grade son
> to do a show and tell at his class. I have the rock candy experiment ready
> with some background info on what I do.
>  Can anyone direct me to some resources or your personal demo's that you
> have done?
>  Thanks a bunch
>  -John
> --
> =======================================================================
> All Things Serve the Beam
> =======================================================================
>                                David J. Schuller
>                                modern man in a post-modern world
>                                MacCHESS, Cornell University
>                                schul...@cornell.edu

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