*Dear colleagues,

Please see below an ad for a job opening in my lab at Brown University.

Thank you,

Postdoctoral Position in Structural Biology and Biochemistry Available*

One postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Alexandra Deaconescu's laboratory in the Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry at Brown University (http://brown.edu/research/labs/deaconescu/).The Deaconescu Laboratory is interested in the interplay between DNA repair and other cellular processes, such as transcription and chromatin remodeling, and is focused on elucidating the function and mechanochemistry of DNA-based motors using a combination of biochemical, biophysical and structural techniques (e.g. X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy).

The candidate is expected to have an established track record of success (publications in peer-reviewed journals), be highly motivated, work well independently as well as in a team, and have solid experience in the biochemistry of complex DNA-binding proteins (such as chromatin remodeling factors or DNA repair proteins) and biophysical methods such as CD, ITC etc..Prior knowledge of crystallography would be a plus, but is not required. Excellent spoken and written English is required. Newly minted Ph.D. graduates are encouraged to apply. Salary, starting date and project details are negotiable.

Brown University, an Ivy League institution, is located in Providence, Rhode Island, less than on hour away from Boston and three hours away from New York City. The structural biology facility at Brown's Laboratories of Molecular Medicine (LMM) includes, among others, new X-ray crystallography instrumentation (Rigaku FR-E+ SuperBright with VariMax-HF ArcSec optics, a Saturn 944 CCD detector and ACTOR robotic crystal mounting system), a BIOSAXS-1000 small angle X-ray scattering instrument, and an 850 MHz NMR spectrometer.

To apply, please send a CV, a one-page research experience summary, and contact information for three references to alexandra_deacone...@brown.edu. Please write "Postdoctoral candidate" in the e-mail subject header.

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