Dear Rhys,

I would try to place idealised secondary structure elements with coot
into the density - at this resolution they probably fit both hands, but
you may see a difference when you do e.g. rigid body refinement.


On 12/16/2014 10:39 AM, RHYS GRINTER wrote:
> Hi All,
> This will no doubt show something of my ignorance with experimental phasing, 
> however I'm currently working on solving a 3.8A SAD dataset with Pt anomalous 
> signal. Both Shelx and Xtriage see reasonable anomalous signal to about 7A 
> and seem to get  statistics suggesting a solution when I run SAD phasing 
> using Autosol in Phenix. After density modification I get pretty nice looking 
> maps with clear solvent channels and interconnected density for protein, 
> however there is very little difference in map R-factor between the hands and 
> the maps from both the P31 and P32 solution appear comparable in structure.
> Obviously DM is struggling to break the hand ambiguity, however can some one 
> tell me if what I'm seeing represents a definite solution? And what is the 
> best way to proceed from here?
> Cheers,
> Rhys

Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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