Dear all, I apologise for the dullness of the question, but I am struggling to compile the fasta36 binary that I need to run MrBump:
emmaWT:/software/fasta-36.3.7/src> sudo make -f ../make/Makefile.linux64_sse2 all gcc -g -O -msse2 -o ../bin/fasta36 comp_mthr9.o work_thr2.o pthr_subs2.o compacc2_t.o showbest.o build_ares.o re_getlib.o mshowalign2_t.o htime.o apam.o doinit.o init_fa.o drop_nfa.o wm_align.o calcons_fa.o scale_se.o karlin.o lgetlib.o lgetaa_m.o c_dispn.o ncbl2_mlib.o lib_sel.o url_subs.o mrandom.o -lm -lz -lpthread /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [fasta36] Error 1 Googling for this -lz ld flag does not seem to hit anything immediately relevant in the top pages. Please help! Pietro Sent from my Desktop Dr. Pietro Roversi Oxford University Biochemistry Department - Glycobiology Division South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3QU England - UK Tel. 0044 1865 275339