Hi CCP4BBers, I would like to ask a question about how to use AIMLESS correctly with scaled data from XDS. I collected two data sets of the same crystal, both of which scaled individually with CORRECT from XDS. Merging of reflexes should be done with AIMLESS. Also to obtain a more comprehensive data statistic. So I fed both data sets into AIMLESS with the option ONLYMERGE. But I think that both data sets were not scaled to each other (which indeed is no surprise with key ONLYMERGE). So, my question is the following: what is the right order to scale and merge multiple datasets with XDS/AIMLESS. The output from XSCALE is a file with suffix .ahkl. Is it the same format like .hkl and does it fit into AIMLESS?
I really appreciate your valuable sugestions. Kind regards, Renato