A postdoctoral position at Yale University School of Medicine is available immediately for highly motivated, creative individuals with a strong interest in the structure, function, and pharmacology of signaling proteins implicated in neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases. We are presently focusing our efforts on central nervous system transporters using a combination of steady-state kinetics, radioligand binding, X-ray crystallography, nanodisc technology, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), and other complementary biochemical/biophysical techniques.
The laboratory is located in renovated space in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology in a highly collaborative environment. We have state-of-the-art facilities for expression, purification, functional characterization, crystallization, and structure determination of membrane/glyco proteins. We have regular access to Mosquito and Art Robbins Gryphon LCP (lipidic cubic phase) crystallization robots, Formulatrix imager with UV detection, in-house X-ray diffractometer, synchrotron beamlines, LINUX workstations, and biophysical instruments. These include a CD spectrophotometer, Biacore, small-volume isothermal titration calorimeter (NanoITC), stopped flow fluorometer, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometer, and laser light scattering coupled in-line to SEC, refractive index, and ultraviolet absorption. Candidates must hold (or soon expect to hold) a recent Ph.D. (less than 1 year) in biochemistry, biophysics, or a related field and have a strong publication record. A strong background in recombinant DNA methods, protein expression, purification, and biochemical/biophysical characterization, crystallization, and structure determination is required. Familiarity with membrane proteins, insect/mammalian cell expression, membrane protein reconstitution, and flux assays is preferred. He/she must be capable of working independently and as part of a collaborative team. An ability to troubleshoot experimental difficulties is a necessity. The candidate must have an excellent command of oral and written English. In addition to compiling and analyzing data, he/she will be responsible for providing some help in preparation of materials for publications and grant proposals. Those able to write and submit successful fellowship applications will have a significant competitive advantage. Applicants should send a CV, along with a summary of previous research experience and interests, and arrange to have 3 reference letters sent to Satinder K. Singh via e-mail at satinder.k.si...@yale.edu<mailto:satinder.k.si...@yale.edu> For more information, please contact me via e-mail. Additional contact information is given below: Satinder K. Singh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology Yale University School of Medicine 333 Cedar Street, SHM B147 Lab room # SHM BE11/17 P.O. Box 208026 New Haven, CT 06520-8026 Office #: 203-737-4861 Fax #: 203-785-4951 Cell #: 612-961-4948 E-mail: satinder.k.si...@yale.edu<mailto:satinder.k.si...@yale.edu> Website: http://physiology.yale.edu/people/satinder_k_singh-3.profile Thank you. Kind regards, Satinder