Dear all,

i am solving a structure of 2.5 A resolution by PHASER but every time i got
this following warning.

$TEXT:Warning: $$ Baubles Markup $$


Large non-origin Patterson peak indicates that translational NCS is present:

correction factors applied



$TEXT:Warning: $$ Baubles Markup $$


Solutions with Z-scores greater than 49.2 (the threshold indicating a definite

solution) were rejected for failing packing test

#1 TFZ=65.6 PAK=42

#2 TFZ=65.5 PAK=68


however every time PHASER run successfully and it give a output PDB as
a solution. is it a right solution or not?  or To get the right
solution what should i do?

if i used accept all the solution in expert parameter, i also got the
solution but which does not follow the Packing test.

Can anyone suggest...

Rohit Kumar Singh
Lab. no. 430,
P.I. Dr. S. Gourinath,
School of Life Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi -110067

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