
the Balbes database is now nearly 3 years old, so obviously it won't use
that structure as template... and as Mark has correctly pointed out, Balbes
is a bit of an overkill for this problem. Just follow his advice and you'll
solve it in no time. MR tools are very automated and easy to use nowadays

On 27 November 2014 at 20:19, Atul Kumar <atulsingh21...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to solve complex structure of my proteins. Apo protein
> structure is already known. Balbes should take this structure as template
> for MR, whereas, it is taking some random proteins as template. I was
> wondering, whether it is synchronized with pdb or uses its own databank.
> Since structure of this protein deposited in pdb last year, wondering
> whether or not it is updated  in its local databank, in case it is not
> synchronized with pdb. Can somebody help to figure out this problem?
> regards
> Atul

Dr Jon Agirre
York Structural Biology Laboratory / Department of Chemistry
University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD, York, England
+44 (0) 1904 32 8253

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