Dear All,
The Hamburg Unit of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory is
organizing a BioStruct-X Industrial Workshop,to take place
on the DESY Synchrotron Campus in Hamburg from June 15-17 2015.
BioStruct-X ( <>)is an
integrated project
funded by the FP7 of the European Commission to support access for key
methods in structural biology utilizing synchrotron radiation.
The workshop will start with two sessions presenting the facilities
offered by BioStruct-X partners for protein
production/crystallization and the BioStruct-X synchrotron beamlines
offering access to industrial users.
In the following sessions, industrial possibilities of macromolecular
crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and medical imaging
will be presented.Here,four dedicated sessions are planned combining
presentations from the BioStruct-X partners and from the industrial
users of the facilities. A special session will be devoted to the
presentations by service providers to industry including SMEs and
spin-off companies.
The workshop will finish with a round table discussion to define the
future needs of the companies in the use of synchrotron radiation.
There will be 2-3 invited speakers and 2-3 slots for contributing talks
per session.
The Workshop will take place on the premises of the DESY synchrotron
facility in Hamburg which operates the storage ring Petra-3, currently
the most brilliant synchrotron radiation source worldwide. A tour to the
biological beamlines in operation at Petra-3 will be included in
the program. There will be a poster session and ample opportunities for
networking and advertizing.
The number of participants of the workshop will be limited to 130, and
places will be given on a 'first come first served' basis.
The participation fee is 200 Euro. Further information about the
workshop, including its program, organizers,
registration and abstract submission are available at
We look forward to welcoming you to the workshop!
Should you have any questions, please get in touch with:
Dr. Melissa Graewert ( or
Ivanka Araujo (
With best regards
Workshop Organizers