Dear all,

CCPBioSim are running a free one-day training course on performing free energy 
calculations in protein systems. The particular focus will be on estimating 
protein-ligand binding affinities, but the role of solvation in mediating 
protein-ligand interactions will also be explored.

Date: Tuesday 25th November, 2014
Location: University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Building 36, Room 2065
Instructors: Dr Julien Michel (Edinburgh), Dr Sam Genheden (Southampton), Dr 
Richard Bradshaw (Southampton), Dr Greg Ross (Southampton), Ana Cabedo Martinez 

Further details are available at and registration is open at


on behalf of Professor Jonathan W. Essex (Southampton)

*   Dr. Martyn Winn
*   STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K.
*   Tel: +44 1925 603455 (DL)   or   +44 1235 567865 (RcaH)
*   E-mail:       Skype: martyn.winn

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