Thank all of you!
I  have not  " change the residue numbers so they do not overlap", so the 
"change chain IDs" doesn't work when I try to change chain ID to an existed 
chain ID.

Edit the PDB file is another good idea but when I have 20 SO4 in 20 chains, 
things become boring.

Best wishes!

Lu zuokun


At 2014-10-23 20:03:03, "Robbie Joosten" <> wrote:
>Dear Lu,
>You could do this in Coot as well if you are uncomfortable doing this in a 
>text editor. First change the residue numbers so they do not overlap, then 
>change the chainID.
>Rather than putting all your sulfates in a separate chain, it is better to add 
>them to the correct protein chain. PDB annotation will do this upon deposition 
>otherwise. You should also give NCS-related sulfates (if you have any), the 
>same residue number. It makes it easier to deal with them in the future. 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
>> Ed Pozharski
>> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 13:37
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Merge PDB chains
>> Edit the ATOM records?
>> Sent on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® III
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: luzuok
>> Date:10/23/2014 6:51 AM (GMT-05:00)
>> Subject: [ccp4bb] Merge PDB chains
>> Dear all,
>>    Sorry to ask a simple question. There are many SO4 in my PDB file, one
>> belongs to a different chain. I want to merge them into one chain, can
>> anyone tell me how to do this?
>> Best regards!
>> Lu Zuokun
>> --
>> 卢作焜
>> 南开大学新生物站A202

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