The following position is available at the University of Oklahoma.  Please 
contact Liz Karr for any addition information.

A Postdoc position is available in microbiology and structural biology in the
research group of Dr. Liz Karr in the Department of Microbiology and Plant 
Biology at the University of Oklahoma, Norman OK. The lab is part of an NIH 
COBRE in Structural Biology as well as a member of the Michael F. Price 
Institute for Structural Biology (ISB) housed in the Department of Chemistry 
and Biochemistry where there is an emphasis in anaerobic structural biology.
Our group studies structure-function relationships of microbial transcription 
regulators. The postdoc will focus on studies of the novel methanogen specific 
transcription regulator, MsvR first identified by the Karr Lab. MsvR is a 
redox- sensitive transcription regulator that employs a number of cysteine 
residues to sense the redox environment in strict anaerobes. The project 
involves crystallization of MsvR and the MsvR/DNA complex and characterization 
of MsvR variants in vivo and in vitro. The lab utilizes a genetically tractable 
methanogen to study the in vivo role of MsvR in cell survival and to assess 
changes in the host transcriptome in msvR deletion strains. On a regular basis 
the postdoc will be involved in cloning, protein overexpression, site directed 
mutagenesis, anaerobic culturing and genetic manipulations as well as aerobic 
and anaerobic protein crystallization.
We are looking for creative and motivated applicants with a strong background 
in molecular genetics and anaerobic microbiology and/or structural biology. The 
candidate must provide evidence of their research potential through 
publications and presentations, and activities involving mentoring and lab 
management are an asset.
The initial appointment is for one year and is renewable upon satisfactory 
progress and continued funding. Salary level commensurate with experience. 
Equal opportunity, applications from under-represented groups are encouraged.
Applications and informal inquiries should be sent to Liz Karr by email at 
lizkarr (at) ou (dot) edu. Applications should contain a letter describing your 
motivation and career goals, a CV highlighting your important contributions to 
research activities, and the contact details for three professional references. 
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Leonard M. Thomas Ph.D.
Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory Manager
University of Oklahoma
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center
101 Stephenson Parkway
Norman, OK 73019

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