Dear all I came along a disturbing feature and I would appreciate to get your lights on this.
After rebuilding our data server, plenty of access rights have been changed and various folders have been ‘secured’ by restricting access to few users and groups. The whole ccp4 suite has also been subjected to this new policy; no writing in the folders and in sensitive files can be done anymore by unknown users. Good to feel safe :D Now, when running Refmac5, we came up with plenty of complains about library files not readable, or more specifically some library files that ‘failed to open’. After few juggling around, we understood what was wrong: all the involved library files needed to be ‘writable’ to be properly read. Here is therefore my disturbing piece: why would you need to be able to write in a file if you just want to be able to read / execute it? I don’t think that this is a bug, but rather a feature, and would like to understand the logic behind it. Please note that I did not check how other programs responded, nor other versions of the suite (I am on the latest CCP4 release). I haven’t deeply screened the bb either for a potential previous notice on this. Cheers, Leo - Leonard Chavas - Mailing address: Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) Deutsches Elektronen-SYnchrotron (DESY) Notkestrasse 85. Bldg 99 22607 Hamburg, Germany Room 03.051 Phone : +49 (0)40 8998 6384 Mobile: +49 (0)40 8998 96384 - E-mail (DESY) : E-mail (CFEL) : -