Thank you for all reply! You guys are really helpful! I appreciate it!

From: Oliver Clarke []
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Add water in the symmetry center?

Dear Bing,

My best guess is that these are artefacts due to the increased noise level at 
special positions (in your case a sixfold increase - see for example:

I agree with your assessment that it is best to leave such peaks unmodelled 
unless their interpretation makes chemical sense.


On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:47:05 +0000, Wang, Bing <> wrote:

>Hi guys,
>Recently I am working on a structure with a P6 space group and a nice 
>resolution. The model I used is perfect to fit the electron density. However, 
>I found a couple of weird water molecules which are located in the symmetry 
>center or the middle of two molecules (Please check the attachment). I am 
>wondering how to define these "fake" waters and should I add water here or 
>not. Reasons?
>For my opinion, waters in the structure that we can see should have some ways 
>to fix them, otherwise they will flow in the channel and can't be seen in the 
>structure.  I prefer to add water in the postion2 since the Arg residue could 
>fix a water molecule there, but for others, I could not find any reasons to 
>add water since there are no ways to fix these water molecules. Is it correct 
>or not?
>Thank you!

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