Dear all, I am trying to get a sharper map with RESOLVE in Phenix and I provide the .mtz or high resolution data as well as the mtz corresponding to experimental data. However I get the following message, and I don't really know how to fix it even though it looks quite silly. Might be that today I am not inspired, :-P
Please identify the column 'PHIB' in your input data file. You can specify all columns to use in 'input_labels' like this: FP SIGFP PHIB FOM HLA HLB HLC HLD where you have to put something in each of these 8 spots (use None for missing ones). You currently have: FP SIGFP None FOM hltofom.ABCD.A hltofom.ABCD.B hltofom.ABCD.C hltofom.ABCD.D Possibilities are... FreeRflag FP SIGFP FC PHIC FC_ALL PHIC_ALL FWT PHWT DELFWT PHDELWT FOM FC_ALL_LS PHIC_ALL_LS hltofom.ABCD.A hltofom.ABCD.B hltofom.ABCD.C hltofom.ABCD.D None Any suggestions? Thank you very much in advance. Best wishes, from sunny Göttingen! Almudena -- Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen Germany