Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the GTBio2014, the meeting of the Biology
thematic group of the French Crystallographic Association (AFC), that
will be held in Grenoble, from Tuesday October 7 until Friday October
10, 2014. The web site of the meeting is accessible through the
following link: *
*Registrations are now open and you can already send your abstracts for
either oral or poster presentations.
Important dates to remember:
*June 30, 2014:* deadline for submiting an abstract for a talk
*June 30, 2014:* deadline for requesting student's fellowship (see web
*September 7, 2014:*deadline for registration and for submiting an
abstract for a poster.
Should you have any question about the meeting, do not hesitate to
contact us:
languages of the meeting will be both French and English
Looking forward to seing you in Grenoble next Fall,
Dominique Housset, on the behalf of the GTBio2014 organizing committee.
Dominique HOUSSET
Groupe IRPAS (Immune response to pathogens and altered self)
Institut de Biologie Structurale
71 avenue des Martyrs
CS 10090
38044 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France
Tel.: (33) (0)4 57 42 86 18
web psb:
web ibs: