> If N goes to infinity, i.e. at high or very high data multiplicity Rmerge 
> approaches Rmeas (Rrim).

Sure. And there is nothing incorrect, because the formulas are identical. 

0.8*sd(i)/I = 0.8/(I/sd(i)) 

But if you sum also over a shell of hs, that notation is incomplete losing the 
<> (or Mn). 
That is the confusion at least on my side.


-----Original Message-----
From: Manfred S. Weiss [mailto:manfred.we...@helmholtz-berlin.de] 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:46 AM
To: b...@hofkristallamt.org
Cc: Bernhard Rupp; CCP4BB@jiscmail.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Rmerge, Rmeas, I/sigma, Mn(I/sd)

That's not quite correct. If N goes to infinity, i.e. at high or very high data 
multiplicity Rmerge approaches Rmeas (Rrim).

At this point it does not matter whether you write Rmerge or Rmeas equals 0.8 * 
sd(I) / I

For low multiplicity

Rrim (or Rmeas) = 0.8*sd(i)/I

is the correct expression.

Cheers, Manfred

On 16.04.2014 22:16, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
> The 2006 Weiss expression - I guess from the context-  is for a single 
> reflection h measured N times (and then is identical to my 8-23) while (8-24) 
> is valid for the Rmerge (defined in 8-15) of averaging over a shell with h 
> reflections each measured N times , which also explains why the two related 
> expressions in aimless necessarily have to be different.
> Somehow crystallographers historically invented their own linear merging 
> statistics instead of 'standard' descriptive statistics like the standard 
> error of the mean...still an unresolved mess see the papers/threads on cc1/2, 
> cc* etc...
> Best, BR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of 
> Roberto Battistutta
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 5:09 PM
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Rmerge, Rmeas, I/sigma, Mn(I/sd)
> Hi,
> in the Rupp book the following relation is reported (on pag 415):
> Rmerge   0.8/<I/s(I)>
> referring to a relation of "the linear merging R-value with the 
> signal-to-noise ratio".
> in a 2006 CCP4bb, Manfred Weiss reported:
> Rrim (or Rmeas) = 0.8*sd(i)/I
> so,
> First question: is it Rmerge or Rmeas (Rrim) that we are dealing with?
> Second question: at the denominator (of the Rupp way to write), it is the 
> aimless Mn(I/sd) (usually indicated as the real signal-to-noise ratio) or the 
> aimless I/sigma (very different from Mn(I/sd) with high redundancy)?
> Thank you very much for the clarification.
> Best,
> Roberto.
> Roberto Battistutta
> Associate Professor
> Department of Chemistry
> University of Padua
> via Marzolo 1, 35131 Padova - ITALY
> tel. +39.049.827.5262
> fax. +39.049.827.5829
> roberto.battistu...@unipd.it
> www.chimica.unipd.it/roberto.battistutta/
> VIMM (Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine) via Orus 2, 35129 
> Padova - ITALY tel. +39.049.7923.236 fax +39.049.7923.250 www.vimm.it

Dr. Manfred. S. Weiss
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin f r Materialien und Energie Macromolecular 
Crystallography (HZB-MX) Albert-Einstein-Str. 15
D-12489 Berlin
Fon:   +49-30-806213149
Fax:   +49-30-806214975
Email: mswe...@helmholtz-berlin.de


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