Since this is the CCP4 BB, I'd give ccp4mg a try...
On 23 Apr 2014, at Wed23 Apr 16:43, Cygler, Miroslaw wrote:
I have inquired at Schrodinger about the licensing for PyMol. I was
surprised by their answer. The access to PyMol is only through a
yearly licence. They do not offer the option of purchasing the
software and using the obtained version without time limitation.
This policy is very different from many other software packages,
which one can use without continuing licensing fees and additional
fees are only when an upgrade is needed. At least I believe that
Office, EndNote, Photoshop and others are distributed this way.
I also remember very vividly the Warren’s reason for developing
PyMol, and that was the free access to the source code. He later
implemented fees for downloading binary code specific for one’s
operating system but there were no time restrictions on its use.
As far as I recollect, Schrodinger took over PyMol distribution and
development promising to continue in the same spirit. Please
correct me if I am wrong.
I find the constant yearly licensing policy disturbing and will be
looking for alternatives. I would like to hear if you have had the
same experience and what you think about the Schrodinger policy.
Best wishes,
** note change of address **
Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick
Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, CB2 0QH
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9
(Crystallographic Computing)