I can index my data through imosflm with no problems, but when I try to scale 
using aimless, the program will not run if I also run truncate (or old 
truncate). Here is the error message I get below. Could anyone elaborate on 
what this means? Thanks. 

P.S. I can take the scaled .mtz file from aimless that was not truncated and 
get an ok MR solution.

COMPLETENESS ANALYSIS (using intensities):

Using I/sigI > 3 with completeness above 0.85, the estimated useful
Resolution Range of this data is  17.964A to   8.982A

The high resolution cut-off will be used in gathering the statistics for the 
dataset, however the full dataset will be output

No translational NCS detected (with resolution limited to  8.98 A)

ANISOTROPY ANALYSIS (using intensities):

Eigenvalues:   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
Eigenvalue ratios:      nan      nan      nan
 ctruncate:  Anisotropy correction failed - negative eigenvalue.
Times: User:       0.5s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00  
* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: /Applications/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ctruncate -hklin 
"/tmp/bruner/ClbM_29_3_mtz.tmp" -hklout "/tmp/bruner/ClbM_29_5_mtz_New.tmp" 
-colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" -colano "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" 
-colout New 
has failed with error message
 ctruncate:  Anisotropy correction failed - negative eigenvalue.
ObjectCache: Leaked 0005 refs to 

#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 " ctruncate:  Anisotropy correction failed - 
negative eigenvalue. ObjectCache: Leaked 0005 refs to 
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 25 Mar 2014  18:32:11
#CCP4I TERMINATION OUTPUT_FILES  /tmp/bruner/ClbM_29_2_mtz.tmp ClbM 
/Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29.scales ClbM 
/Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_rogues.log ClbM 
/Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_normplot.xmgr ClbM 
/Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_anomplot.xmgr ClbM 
/Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_rogueplot.xmgr ClbM 
/Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_correlplot.xmgr ClbM
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

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