I can index my data through imosflm with no problems, but when I try to scale using aimless, the program will not run if I also run truncate (or old truncate). Here is the error message I get below. Could anyone elaborate on what this means? Thanks.
P.S. I can take the scaled .mtz file from aimless that was not truncated and get an ok MR solution. COMPLETENESS ANALYSIS (using intensities): Using I/sigI > 3 with completeness above 0.85, the estimated useful Resolution Range of this data is 17.964A to 8.982A The high resolution cut-off will be used in gathering the statistics for the dataset, however the full dataset will be output TRANSLATIONAL NCS: No translational NCS detected (with resolution limited to 8.98 A) ANISOTROPY ANALYSIS (using intensities): Eigenvalues: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Eigenvalue ratios: nan nan nan ctruncate: Anisotropy correction failed - negative eigenvalue. Times: User: 0.5s System: 0.0s Elapsed: 0:00 *************************************************************************** * Information from CCP4Interface script *************************************************************************** The program run with command: /Applications/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ctruncate -hklin "/tmp/bruner/ClbM_29_3_mtz.tmp" -hklout "/tmp/bruner/ClbM_29_5_mtz_New.tmp" -colin "/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" -colano "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" -colout New has failed with error message ctruncate: Anisotropy correction failed - negative eigenvalue. ObjectCache: Leaked 0005 refs to *************************************************************************** #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 " ctruncate: Anisotropy correction failed - negative eigenvalue. ObjectCache: Leaked 0005 refs to " #CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 25 Mar 2014 18:32:11 #CCP4I TERMINATION OUTPUT_FILES /tmp/bruner/ClbM_29_2_mtz.tmp ClbM /Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29.scales ClbM /Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_rogues.log ClbM /Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_normplot.xmgr ClbM /Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_anomplot.xmgr ClbM /Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_rogueplot.xmgr ClbM /Users/bruner/Desktop/Jarrod/ClbM_29_correlplot.xmgr ClbM #CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed