On Feb 13, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Sun Bingfa <sunbin...@gmail.com> wrote: > Now we have dataset to ~4.2 Angstrom and using extracellular homolog > structure we can find a solution for this part(~45% of the whole molecule MW) > through molecular replacement, and the molecules are packed as layers, and > the other part are presumably between these layers. However, we are having > trouble to fit the rest of the protein even though there're some density > between the solved part.
You have an incomplete MR problem. > Rfree is at 40% now. > This is fairly typical. > We're trying to do heavy atom soaking, such as TaBr. We collected data for > MIR but it's not helping so far. This is also fairly typical. > (Can I combine these MIR data with the native dataset because the MIR set is > only at ~6.5 Angstrom)? > Yes, but you need to be careful in how you do this. The bad news is that jumping from 6.5 -> 4A is not trivial. The good news is that it can be done. See for example, http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v492/n7427/full/nature11607.html Cheers, F --------------------------------------------- Francis E. Reyes PhD 215 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder ----------------------------------------------