On behalf of Soichi Wakatsuki: Dear all
We would like to invite you submit abstract to the structural biology session: "Opportunities in structural biology with new light sources" scheduled from 1:30PM to 5:00PM on May 28, 2014 as part of the American Crystallography Association meeting in Albuquerque. Our session will discuss recent results and future developments in structural biology using new light sources, in particular, but not limited to, XFELs. Three to four abstracts will be selected for aural presentations. Invited speakers include Vadim Cherezoff (Scripps Institute), Sebastien Boutet (LCLS, SLAC), Richard Neutze (University of Gothenburg), and Brenda Hogue (Arizona State University). The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Feb 7th: http://www.amercrystalassn.org/2014-homepage Hope to see you in Albuquerque. Soichi Wakatsuki SLAC, Photon Science & Stanford School of Medicine, Structural Biology Department Eaton Lattman Hauptman-Woodward Institute & University of Buffalo SUNY