Hi Ronnie -

Refmac has done the job for you (or for your friend). The Refmac log file says that Refmac has created a file called ????.cif (the exact name varies). You should open up that file and inspect it; it will be Refmac's best guess about the geometry of that link. I usually specify only bond lengths and bond angles, leaving torsion angles undefined (i.e. deleting those restraints) unless I know it should be restrained to a certain angle.

The next time you run Refmac, use the "Library file" input line in ccp4i to feed it this cif file; refinement should proceed OK after this. You can also append the contents of the cif file that Refmac made to your drug.cif file. Just cut and paste with a text editor.

Don't forget that you need to give your ligand a real 3-letter code, not just "UNK", before depositing it. So you might as well do it now. (Even if the structure will remain private, not deposited, I would still change the code.)

- Matt

On 2/5/14 10:59 AM, Ronnie wrote:
I am asking this question on behalf of a friend: -Thanks!

Hi All - I am working at small biotech. We have minimal budget for software, only CCP4 and Coot. We have a ligand that binds covalently to cysteine. I define the parameter file using Prodrg in CCP4 to get drug.cif file and then make a link in Coot between the Cys and the Drug. The problem is Refmac keeps complaining that there is no link_id for this bond:
I am reading library. Please wait.
  WARNING : link: CYS<-->UNK is without link_id
            link will be created with covalent bond only. Bond=     1.610
  WARNING : description of link:CYS-UNK  is not in the dictionary
            link will be created with bond_length =   1.610
Where do I specify this link_id, and where can I find an example for the correct syntax? Is this done in mon_lib.cif or the drug.cif file?? The bond length, if I'm not mistaken should be ~1.82 A for distance between carbon and sulfur.
Thanks for any help.

Matthew Franklin, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10027
(212) 939-0660 ext. 9374

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