Dear All,

This may be slightly off-the-track question but your feedback will be very much 
appreciated. The situation is-

I obtain a very low amount of the protein of my interest (a hetro-dimer) from 
the construct I am using (only 8% of the total amount of protein obtained is 
the protein of my interest).  After 2 column purifications (Ni-NTA and St) the 
concentration of the protein is around 0.24 mg/ml (volume- ~1.0 ml)  from a 
litre of bacterial culture and in ~300 mM NaCl present in the elution  buffer. 

To reduce the high amount of salt I have I use a desalting column which, 
further lowers the protein concentration significantly. 

I need atleast 1.0mg/ml of protein concentration and to the amount of ~200 
microlts for further experiments. 

As the last resort I try to use high amount of bacterial culture (~6lts) to 
scale up the yield and use centricon to concentrate the protein at various 
stages.  I am partially successful to obtain 0.56mg/ml of protein concentration 
and up to  50 microlts of it. 

Another problem is that the protein is  notoriously  prone to  aggregation (> 
1.5 mg/ml), so dialysis for ~ 2 hrs or so to reduce the high salt concentration 
has failed miserably. 

Please do send your feedback.

Thanks and Best Wishes


Dr. Anindito Sen (Ph.D)
Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy
Graduate School of Medicine
University of Tokyo
Tel & fax: +81-3-5841-3339

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