Dear Shane,

the others have already given very good examples of "high impact biology" structures; I would still like to add the structure PDB:1J49 (Razeto et al. (2002). JMB 318, 109).

Its a structure of a D-Lactate dehydrogenase, a two-domain enzyme, where one ASU subunit adopts an open and the other one a closed conformation - a very interesting case imho.


Date:    Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:08:33 -0500
From:    Shane Caldwell <>
Subject: Examples of multiple ASU copies with different conformations

Hi ccp4bb,

I'm putting together a talk for some peers that highlights strengths and
weaknesses of structural models for the outsider. For one point, I'd like
to find some examples of proteins that show very different conformations
between different copies in the ASU. One example I know of is c-Abl (1OPL),
which crystallizes with both autoinhibited and active forms in the ASU,
with dramatically different domain organization. I'd like to find some
additional examples - can anyone suggest some other structures that have
multiple copies with large structural variations?

Thanks in advance!

Shane Caldwell
McGill University

Dr. rer. nat. Fabio Dall'Antonia
European Molecular Biology Laboratory c/o DESY
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