Hey David,

the 1 nM Kd by SPR sounds fishy to me - did you do these measurements yourself ?
Unless this is an antibody-protein complex or nanobody-protein complex or 
protein-small molecule complex, the value is too low (for a normal PPI, I would 
expect  >50 -500 nM). Possible explanation for the SPR result is non-specific 
binding of the ligand (your protein in solution) to the chip.
Which would in turn also explain your negative result in SEC eventually (what 
SEC material did you use ? Is it at the pH negatively charged perhaps - like 
the SPR chip).
Are you running the SEC in the same buffer as used in either ELISA, SPR or DPI ?
Most likely the main difference between those experiments and yours is the 
temperature, as I assume you ran your SEC at 4˚C.
Just a thought.


On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:51 AM, David Briggs 
<drdavidcbri...@gmail.com<mailto:drdavidcbri...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear all,

sorry for the slightly off topic post,

I have 2 proteins that have been shown to interact, by multiple groups, and by 
multiple techniques - namely ELISA, SPR and DPI.

The Kd of the interaction as determined by SPR is on the order of 1 nM.

I would very much like to crystallise this protein-protein complex, and as a 
first step I attempted to purify the complex by mixing the two proteins (same 
protein preps and same buffers as the SPR experiment) and then running them 
down a gel filtration column (Superose 6 - predicted size of the complex is 

Somewhat irritatingly the two proteins separate beautifully on the column into 
two distinct peaks. There is no trace of complex formation when the peaks are 
analysed by SDS-PAGE.

As far as I am aware, two proteins that interact this strongly should remain 
associated during gel filtration, and I was wondering if anyone else has 
encountered anything similar in the past, and if they managed to resolve the 
problem, how they went about it?

Cheers in advance,

David C. Briggs PhD

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-2926

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