Thank you all for the suggestions. I would be setting up a new
crystallization trial in a couple of days and will surely incorporate all
the advices.

Thanks once again



On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Nazia Nasir Phd2009,ProteinCrystall.Lab <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to crystallize the truncated version of a memebrane protein
> (30 amino acids truncated, including signal sequence a transmembrane
> helix). The protein expresses in inclusion bodies and I solubilize it in 8
> M urea and finally purify it in 20mM Tris, 50mM- 300mM NaCl, 5% glycerol,
> pH 8.5. I have been able to gow crystals but all of them grow as thin
> plates. The best resltion obtained so far is 3.7 A. Moreover, for SAD
> phasing using the natural Sulpurs, the Cr beam gives a maxmum resoltion of
> 7 A. I have exhausted all screens in my lab and set up expansions of all
> positive hits, but all I get are plate like crystals with poor resoltion.
> Can anyone suggest how to improve my crystals? Moreover, is the data I am
> getting so far workable for SAD phasing? mY protein is 500 amino acids long
> with 11 Methionines, spread out almost through out the protein length.
> Eagerly awaiting some help!
> Thanks !
> --
> Nazia Nasir
> PhD Scholar
> Protein Crystallography Lab
> National Institute of Immunology
> New Delhi

Nazia Nasir
PhD Scholar
Protein Crystallography Lab
National Institute of Immunology
New Delhi
  • [ccp4bb] Plate like crystals Nazia Nasir Phd2009,ProteinCrystall.Lab
    • Re: [ccp4bb] Plate like cryst... Nazia Nasir Phd2009,ProteinCrystall.Lab

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