Dear CCP4 Users, CCP4 Core Team would like to apologise for temporary withdrawal of update 6.4.0-002, announced earlier this week. The withdrawal is due to a technical fault in the update mechanism, which will be rectified soon. Currently, the update is put on hold and is not visible for client installations.
A few users reported problems with starting ccp4i immediately after installation of the update. Should you have experienced the same, please start ccp4um from terminal: sudo /path-to/ccp4-6.4.0/bin/ccp4um and uninstall update 6.4.0-002 by unchecking the corresponding box and pressing "Apply" (use 'sudo' *only* if your ccp4 is installed in write-protected area). After that, everything should be back normal. Windows users, as well as those who are able to run ccp4i after 2nd update, need do nothing. I would like to acknowledge prompt bug reports from responsible users on this occasion, which helped us to minimise the negative effect of the bug on all others. CCP4 as a project depends on the feedback from user community, and Core Team is grateful for all the help and feedback we receive. Please refrain from update attempts until further announcement or until new updates are reported available by your ccp4i. Many thanks, Eugene Krissinel Begin forwarded message: From: Andrey Lebedev <<>> Date: 6 November 2013 12:52:31 GMT To: <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>> Subject: [ccp4bb] Joint CCP4-6.4.0 and ARP/wARP-7.4 Update Reply-To: <<>> Dear CCP4 Users An update for the CCP4-6.4.0 series has just been released. This is the first update for both CCP4 and ARP/wARP in tandem. The ARP/wARP component of this update will be available to those Mac and Linux users who have previously installed both packages via the CCP4 Package manager or from the joint bundle downloaded from CCP4 web-site. A standalone ARP/wARP package including the current update can be downloaded from the EMBL-Hamburg site at<>. The following changes will be applied to the ARP/wARP installation: • The use of non-crystallographic symmetry for protein chain tracing has been enabled (it was accidentally disabled in version 7.4). • The `SAD refinement protocol' (Murshudov et al 2011) has undergone many fixes and now works well. • The routine for ligand identification has been made faster and some small bugs have been fixed. • A few bugs have been fixed in the ARP/wARP installer and shell-specific problems sometimes occurring on Linux should now be cured. • The manual has been updated. The following changes will be applied to the CCP4-6.4.0 installation: • MrBUMP (all): a new option of model re-building after SHELXE; a fix for phaser_sculptor dispatcher. • Xia2 (windows): update to release (fixes ctruncate issue). • aimless (all): bug fixes. • pointless (all): bug fixes. • ViewHKL (all): additional visual control to enhance weak reflections and bug fixes. • truncate (Mac): Fixed harvesting option of old truncate. • Molrep: New interface. • Update (all): Increased maximum waiting time for background update check in ccp4i. Andrey Lebedev -- Scanned by iCritical. -- Scanned by iCritical.