Dear all,
I would like to remind you on a workshop on "The Future of Microfocus Protein 
Crystallography" which will take place at the MAX IV User meeting on the 24th 
and the 25th of September, 2013, in Lund, Sweden.

Recent developments within protein crystallography methods in combination with 
the scope offered by the new upcoming synchrotron sources such as the MAX IV 3 
GeV storage ring, make exciting new ways of carrying out research within 
structural biology possible. Small microfocus beamlines with a very high flux 
and increased coherence will make new types of experimentation feasible.

The scientific possibilities will be highlighted through a series of talks by 
experts showing the impact of the new type of X-ray sources and microfocus 
beamlines on research within structural biology.

The new generation of microfocus beamlines will also set a high demand on 
instrumentation and suitable software. For example, data collection will 
potentially be very fast (in milliseconds) and radiation damage will allow only 
a limited amount of data to be collected from each sample. New technical 
solutions for sample handling and presentation, data processing methods and 
more will be needed for these types of experiments, and these will also be 
presented and discussed at the workshop.

Confirmed speakers include David Stuart, Daniel Wacker, Simone Weynand, Jens 
Preben Morth, Tove Sjögren, Richard Neutze, Janet Smith, Alke Meentz, Alexei 
Soares, Thomas White, Luca Jovine and Clemens Schulze-Briese

The workshop is part of a process to obtain an updated proposal for the 
possible Phase 2b beam line MicroMAX at the upcoming new 3 GeV storage ring of 
MAX IV in Lund. This workshop should give the user community an opportunity to 
explore the scientific possibilities of a new generation of microfocus beam 
lines, but also it will give them the chance to contribute with specific input 
on their own experimental demands on the beam line.

The workshop is part of the MAX IV laboratory user meeting, but there is no 
requirement to be a user of the facility and all that are interested are 
welcome . Registration is through the user meeting website: .  The 
registration fees are 2000 SEK for academics and 700 SEK for junior scientists 
such as PhD students and Post-docs. Registration fees include all lunches and 
the conference dinner.

Further information on this workshop can be found at the user meeting 
websiteand for the MAX IV user meeting at .

For the organisers, Richard Neutze, Gunter Schneider and Gregers Rom Andersen

Marjolein Thunnissen

 Marjolein Thunnissen                             Phone +46-(0)76-632 0417
 Associate Professor                              Fax   +46-(0)46-22 24692
 Dept of Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Lund University<>
 PO-Box 124 S-221 00 Lund, Sweden

    Scientific coordinator MX (The MAX IV Laboratory): I911 and BioMAX

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