On Thu, 22 Aug 2013, Gloria Borgstahl wrote:
We have a protein sequence that probably contains OB folds. What is the
best way to search for the top structural homologs to this sequence in the
pdb? G
Hi Gloria,
If you expect decent sequence simnilarity to one or more proteins in the PDB,
and if you don't have the structure of your protein, a simple FASTA search
should give you the list of hits and alignments quickly. I would do that using
the PDBeXplore FASTA archive browser - http://pdbe.org/fasta
Simply provide your sequence (or UniProt accession) and submit. If there are
hits, they will be presented in a way that allows for rapid further
exploration, e.g. in terms of their CATH classifications, bound ligands or
Pfam families. You can also sort the hits by E-value or %-age identity
(amongst many other things) and get the alignments with your sequence in the
results page.
If you want to explore the interface, try
(this uses the sequence of PDB entry 3KLR which also has an OB fold, CATH
class 2.40.50).
There are a number of PDBeXplore modules available (http://pdbe.org/explore),
including a CATH-based browser (if you should like to analyse all the
structures that contain an OB fold according to CATH).
If you should have a structure, you can use PDBeFold (SSM;
http://pdbe.org/fold) to quickly find and compare similar structures without
taking sequence into consideration.