Hi all,
I have a refined structure with phenix. The resolution=3.2 Å. After
refinement, the R-work=0.2186, R-free=0.2864, Bonds=0.010, Angles=1.515.

Ramachandran outliers: 4.8%, Ramachandran favored: 80.8%.

Rotamer outliers: 14.5%, c-beta outliers: 2

clashscore: 16.28, overall score: 3.32

To fix the Ramanchandran outliers, in coot, by changing the phi-psi of the
outliers, I could manage to move most of them to the allowed positions.
But, after another refinement in phenix, those outliers come back.

I am wondering whether any of you have any suggestions for me on how to fix
these outliers.

Also, I read in an old post in ccp4 (
http://www.dl.ac.uk/list-archive-public/ccp4bb/2006-07/msg00205.html) which
gave some suggestions about how to fix the Ranmanchandran outliers “you
could re-solve your protein with arp/warp if resolution is high enough, or
rebuild the side chains with gui-side if not; refine that structure and, if
the residue is no longer an outlier after refinement, adopt that rotamer
for your structure. But I think it might be faster to manually cycle
through a library of rotamers (and try both pep-flip), select all that
appear possible, and refine starting from there”.

I have a couple of questions about the suggestions above:

1.     For my resolution 3.2 Å, which strategy should I try first?

2.     “Resolve the structure with arp/warp”, is this to say rebuild the
structure automatically again?

3.     “Rebuild the side chains with gui-side”, in which program and how
could this be done?

4.     “manually cycle through a library of rotamers (and try both
pep-flip), select all that appear possible, and refine starting from there”.
I am wondering using which program and how could this be done?

Thank you so much!



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