On 06/20/2013 06:20 AM, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
But you say you took the Balbes model into phaser? and I think Balbes automatically runs cycles of refinement so any comment on R factors may not mean much.
I have seen a model coming out of Balbes pipeline hitting extremely high marks when fed into Phaser while being complete nonsense (it's a 150kDa multi-domain protein and resulting domain arrangement made absolutely no sense). Refinement was stuck with high R-values and I sadly gave up on it for now. I suspected that refmac step included in the pipeline artificially shifts the model so that it conforms to Patterson map better, which results in high score in Phaser. However, when I tried to reproduce this phenomenon by force-refining some random 12kDa protein against lysozyme data and then feeding the result into Phaser, it did not produce any high scores.
Cheers, Ed. -- Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy? Julian, King of Lemurs