as soon as you come up with an algorithm that gives accurate, unbiased
intensity estimates together with their standard deviations, everybody
will be happy. But I'm not aware of progress in this question (Poisson
signal with background) in the last decades - I'd be glad to be proven
Am 20.06.13 21:27, schrieb Douglas Theobald:
Kay, I understand the French-Wilson way of currently doing things, as you
outline below. My point is that it is not optimal --- we could do things
better --- since even French-Wilson accepts the idea of negative intensity
measurements. I am trying to disabuse the (very stubborn) view that when the
background is more than the spot, the only possible estimate of the intensity
is a negative value. This is untrue, and unjustified by the physics involved.
In principle, there is no reason to use French-Wilson, as we should never have
reported a negative integrated intensity to begin with.
I also understand that (Iobs-Icalc)^2 is not the actual refinement target, but
the same point applies, and the actual target is based on a fundamental
Gaussian assumption for the Is.
On Jun 20, 2013, at 2:13 PM, Kay Diederichs <>
the intensity is negative if the integrated spot has a lower intensity than the estimate of the background
under the spot. So yes, we are not _measuring_ negative intensities, rather we are estimating intensities,
and that estimate may turn out to be negative. In a later step we try to "correct" for this,
because it is non-physical, as you say. At that point, the "proper statistical model" comes into
play. Essentially we use this as a "prior". In the order of increasing information, we can have
more or less informative priors for weak reflections:
1) I > 0
2) I has a distribution looking like the right half of a Gaussian, and we
estimate its width from the variance of the intensities in a resolution shell
3) I follows a Wilson distribution, and we estimate its parameters from the
data in a resolution shell
4) I must be related to Fcalc^2 (i.e. once the structure is solved, we
re-integrate using the Fcalc as prior)
For a given experiment, the problem is chicken-and-egg in the sense that only
if you know the characteristics of the data can you choose the correct prior.
I guess that using prior 4) would be heavily frowned upon because there is a danger of
model bias. You could say: A Bayesian analysis done properly should not suffer from model
bias. This is probably true, but the theory to ensure the word "properly" is
not available at the moment.
Crystallographers usually use prior 3) which, as I tried to point out, also has
its weak spots, namely if the data do not behave like those of an ideal crystal
- and today's projects often result in data that would have been discarded ten
years ago, so they are far from ideal.
Prior 2) is available as an option in XDSCONV
Prior 1) seems to be used, or is available, in ctruncate in certain cases (I
don't know the details)
Using intensities instead of amplitudes in refinement would avoid having to
choose a prior, and refinement would therefore not be compromised in case of
data violating the assumptions underlying the prior.
By the way, it is not (Iobs-Icalc)^2 that would be optimized in refinement
against intensities, but rather the corresponding maximum likelihood formula
(which I seem to remember is more complicated than the amplitude ML formula, or
is not an analytical formula at all, but maybe somebody knows better).
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 13:14:28 -0400, Douglas Theobald <>
I still don't see how you get a negative intensity from that. It seems you are
saying that in many cases of a low intensity reflection, the integrated spot
will be lower than the background. That is not equivalent to having a negative
measurement (as the measurement is actually positive, and sometimes things are
randomly less positive than backgroiund). If you are using a proper
statistical model, after background correction you will end up with a positive
(or 0) value for the integrated intensity.
On Jun 20, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Andrew Leslie <> wrote:
The integration programs report a negative intensity simply because that is the
Because of noise in the Xray background, in a large sample of intensity
estimates for reflections whose true intensity is very very small one will
inevitably get some measurements that are negative. These must not be rejected
because this will lead to bias (because some of these intensities for symmetry
mates will be estimated too large rather than too small). It is not unusual for
the intensity to remain negative even after averaging symmetry mates.
On 20 Jun 2013, at 11:49, Douglas Theobald <> wrote:
Seems to me that the negative Is should be dealt with early on, in the
integration step. Why exactly do integration programs report negative Is to
begin with?
On Jun 20, 2013, at 12:45 PM, Dom Bellini <> wrote:
Wouldnt be possible to take advantage of negative Is to extrapolate/estimate
the decay of scattering background (kind of Wilson plot of background
scattering) to flat out the background and push all the Is to positive values?
More of a question rather than a suggestion ...
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Ian Tickle
Sent: 20 June 2013 17:34
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] ctruncate bug?
Yes higher R factors is the usual reason people don't like I-based refinement!
Anyway, refining against Is doesn't solve the problem, it only postpones it:
you still need the Fs for maps! (though errors in Fs may be less critical then).
-- Ian
On 20 June 2013 17:20, Dale Tronrud
<<>> wrote:
If you are refining against F's you have to find some way to avoid
calculating the square root of a negative number. That is why people
have historically rejected negative I's and why Truncate and cTruncate
were invented.
When refining against I, the calculation of (Iobs - Icalc)^2 couldn't
care less if Iobs happens to be negative.
As for why people still refine against F... When I was distributing
a refinement package it could refine against I but no one wanted to do
that. The "R values" ended up higher, but they were looking at R
values calculated from F's. Of course the F based R values are lower
when you refine against F's, that means nothing.
If we could get the PDB to report both the F and I based R values
for all models maybe we could get a start toward moving to intensity
Dale Tronrud
On 06/20/2013 09:06 AM, Douglas Theobald wrote:
Just trying to understand the basic issues here. How could refining directly
against intensities solve the fundamental problem of negative intensity values?
On Jun 20, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Bernhard Rupp
<<>> wrote:
As a maybe better alternative, we should (once again) consider to refine
against intensities (and I guess George Sheldrick would agree here).
I have a simple question - what exactly, short of some sort of historic inertia
(or memory lapse), is the reason NOT to refine against intensities?
Best, BR
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