Hi ccp4bb,

Apologies if this is a naive inquiry.

I'm trying to add NCS restraints to NCS conserved waters in a structure (in
P2), and finding it more challenging than I expected. I understand that *
sortwater* should be able to do this for me, and I runs without problem,
except when I try to input the transformation matrix. The message returned
is that the matrix is not "orthonormal". My vector algebra is pretty rusty,
but if I understand correctly, this is because I'm in P2, and the matrix
needs to be transformed into a different axis system? This is where my
limited background stops me - if this is what I need to do, I don't know
how to transform to the appropriate matrix for sortwater.

So, questions in order of increasing specificity:

1. Is there a more appropriate software that can allow me to implement NCS
restraints on my waters?
2. If not, and I need to use sortwater, is there an appropriate way to
determine the correct transformation matrix?
3. If not, how should I go about converting the matrix?
4. Or should I just hunker down for 4 days and pick the equivalent waters
by hand? (not a pleasant prospect)

I have a sneaking suspicion the solution is hiding in plain sight in one of
the packages I already use, but if so, I can't seem to find it. Thanks in
advance for your help.


Shane Caldwell
McGill University

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