>>Our firm, The Domann Organization, Inc.- Life Science Leadership, has been 
>>retained to recruit group leaders for our client Dart NeuroScience LLC. 
>>Headquartered in San Diego, DNS  is a rapidly growing, private company formed 
>>to discover cutting edge technologies and therapeutics to help maximize 
>>cognitive vitality throughout life. 
>>Domann recruited Kathleen Aertgeerts, previously of Takeda, to head DNS's 
>>Structural Biology Department, as Director.
>>Kathleen is in the process of staffing her Structural Biology department with 
>>a state-of-the-art high-throughput infrastructure to support structure-guided 
>>drug design.  The company  is looking for highly motivated and experienced 
>>leaders. The four Group Leader positions for the Structural Biology 
>>department are listed directly below.
>>1. Group Leader-protein production 
>>2. Group Leader-protein chemistry 
>>3. Group Leader-crystallography.
>>Each group leader will report directly to the department director and manage 
>>and build their own teams to achieve the department’s and company’s goals to 
>>deliver high-quality macromolecular crystal structure support to aid in the 
>>discovery of new therapeutics to improve brain health and cognitive function.
>>In addition to building the Structural Biology Group, DNS also is looking for:
>>1. Group Leader- Manager of Pre-Clinical Development who will be responsible 
>>for working with the Director on  pre-clinical activities and overseeing 
>>coordination  efforts with the team.
>>If you, or someone in your network, would like to learn more about these 
>>exciting opportunities, please email me for detailed position specifications 
>>at jb...@domann.net. Your time and assistance is most appreciated.
>>For additional information on DNS please visit their website at 
>>Thank you.
>> Jovanna
>>Jovanna Bost
>>Market Development & Business Relations
>>The Domann Organization-Life Science Leadership
>>Retained Search Services since 1988
>>415 .726.9705

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