A full-time postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Bioanalytical
Chemistry, University of Leipzig, Germany.
We are seeking an independent and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher for
protein design and structural studies on redox enzymes in biocatalytic
applications, including P450 enzymes. The position is available as art of a
BMBF-funded collaborative project (3 academic research groups and an industrial
partner), which will involve structure-based protein design for directed
immobilization of enzymes for efficient electrode-enzyme electron transfer but
also for structural studies on novel enzymes which are of biocatalytical interest.
A solid background in protein biochemistry and experience with advanced
techniques in molecular biology and protein crystallography as well as
organisational skills are essential. Experience with enzymology or molecular
modelling would be a plus. The successful candidate must be able to work
effectively within a team, have the ability to develop and apply new concepts,
and have a creative approach to problem-solving. They will also be expected to
demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills, and be able to
write clearly and succinctly for publication.
Further information and applications via electronic mail please send to:
Norbert Straeter
Center for Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Institute of Bioanalytical Chemistry
University of Leipzig
Deutscher Platz 5
04103 Leipzig, Germany