Dear Alex,
i work with Purifier.
To my mind, this is a very nice system. High reliability. We are a lot
of differents users and we share the same system, some of us are not
very implicated in the cleaning and maintenance procedure, nonetheless
the Akta works well. Akta Purifier with 3 wavelenghts is very usefull.
For the best usage, you have to use it in cold room, or with a good cold
I saw one time the Akta Avant (for testing), it looks like a ferrari
(shining red color for the exterior shell ;-) ), this product propose
you to prepare Buffer with stock solution. Your sample after collection,
is keeping in cold compartment. This product have a lot of very usefull
and high-tech specs. But i think the good question is : "what i want do
with my FPLC" Because, the cost is very different, and if i have to
choice, for my usage, i prefer to buy Purifier, with good fractionation
system, and some good column instead of the "ferrari". The major
interest with the Avant, is that this system has the capacity to work,
at high speed (fast flow) like the Akta Express, and the other side, you
can set very advanced parameters, to prepare your buffer. Nothing else
to my knowledge can prepare the same variety of buffer automatically.
And finally, you can develop very fine and advanced purification protocol.
Hope to help you.
Le 28/03/13 20:39, Alexandra Deaconescu a écrit :
Dear crystallography enthusiasts:
We are shopping for a new fplc system. While have pretty much decided to buy a GE
Healthcare ("Akta") rather than a Biorad system, we are interested in finding
out your opinions about the new models that are currently on the market, such as the Akta
Avant and the Akta Pure, and how they compare to the Purifier.
Any comments would be much appreciated!