Hi Alex,

The CCP4 package you downloaded seems to be a prebuilt binary package for the 
X86_64 architecture. You do not need to compile yourself - and you can't 
without the source code. Running ./configure is for configuring the compilation 
environment before running "make" to compile source codes, which dose not apply 
to binary packages.

I guess you probably was following this page: 
http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/dist/INSTALL.html. The information on that page is for 
compiling the source code, not for the binary packages. The layout of that page 
is a little confusing: it does mention how to download the binary packages and 
started to say "then first you need to decide where you want to put the 
software", but then it suddenly jumps to how to build the CCP4 from source 
code. I think this might be something the authors want to fix.

For prebuilt binary packages, please take a look at the INSTALL file in the 
unpacked CCP4 directory for installation instructions. The CCP4 binary 
installation is very simple: run the BINARY.setup in the unpacked CCP4 
directory. After it is done, append this line to /etc/bashrc (assuming your 
default shell is bash):

source /path_to_ccp4/ccp4.setup-sh

Then open a new shell, type ccp4i, you should see the CCP4 user interface.


From: A K 
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 8:16 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] ./configure problem

Hi there,
I am trying to install ccp4 on a scientific linux system. I've got stuck in the 
step where I need to configure the system. After sourcing ccp4.setup, I go to 
the main ccp4 folder and try ./configure help, but I get the error "bash: 
./configure: No such file or directory". It looks as if the configure script 
has not been included in my tar file. The file I unzipped was called 
ccp4- Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

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