
The relevant bit of code, with the FORMAT statement closed with a ')' and
an END statement added to make it a viable program, is:

      WRITE (*,10)
   10 FORMAT(///,25X,'*****************************',
     .         /,25X,'*                           *')

For me this compiles and runs without error using gfortran (gcc version
4.7.2).  Maybe you have an old version of gfortran with bugs.  Note that a
statement with continuation lines containing errors usually generates an
error message which specifies only the first line of the statement.  What's
in the rest of the FORMAT statement?

-- Ian

On 6 March 2013 10:37, vellieux <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> By popular request here is an example of some code where gfortran gives
> run time errors. This is at the very beginning of the program, the first
> write statement where a parenthesis is seen as missing at run time: (the
> first hyphens are not within the Fortran code but there to indicate the
> number of spaces before each character, 6 and nothing more or less).
> Also enclosed as "part.f" herewith (as an attachment)
> [I must admit that, somehow, when modifying a Fortran program using vim on
> this new box, the number of characters at the beginning of Fortran cards
> seems to reset to 8 when there are 6 blanks to start with, I have no idea
> why this is so.]
> Help most welcome, and I'd hate to have to retype every single program...
> Ta,
> Fred.
> ------
>       ORDER='A'
>       NATM=0
>       DO 5,I=1,3
>          NGRID(2,I)= 99999
>          NGRID(3,I)=-99999
>          XMIN(I)= 99999999.
>          XMAX(I)=-99999999.
> C
> C
>       WRITE (*,10)
>    10 FORMAT(///,25X,'*******************************',
>      .         /,25X,'*                           *',
> --
> Fred. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D., hdr)
> ouvrier de la recherche
> 41 rue Jules Horowitz
> F-38027 Grenoble Cedex 01
> Tel: +33 438789605
> Fax: +33 438785494

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