Resembles VectorNTI, is free, and works on Linux, Windows and Mac (although I've only used it on XP).
Seems quite powerful, but not polished like the more commercial solutions. Darren On 08/02/13 05:16, Theresa Hsu wrote:
Dear all Is there any good molecular cloning software for linux? It should read plasmid constructs in Genbank format, do assembly of plasmid sequencing results, display the sequencing trace and highlight regions where there are mutations based on relative QV values, has a list of built-in restriction enzyme recognition sequences and also has a database holding all the constructs. It does not have to be free as long as the price is reasonable for single users. Thank you. Theresa
-- ********************************************************************** Dr. Darren J. Hart, Team Leader, High Throughput Protein Lab European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Grenoble Outstation Director, Integrated Structural Biology Grenoble (ISBG) Unité Mixte de Service UMS 3518 (CNRS-CEA-UJF-EMBL) ********************************************************************** For funded access to ESPRIT construct screening via EU FP7 BioStruct-X: Email: Tel: +33 4 76 20 77 68 Fax: +33 4 76 20 71 99 Postal address: EMBL, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, BP181, 38042 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France **********************************************************************