On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Robbie Joosten
<robbie_joos...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> DSSP recently went open source with a very liberal license. So you can
> consider using the real DSSP now. This may also be the moment to integrate
> DSSP in CCP4.

Based on the info here:


the license isn't very liberal - it looks more like the
proprietary-with-source-code licenses used by CCP4 and Phenix (among
others), which preclude redistribution or anything resembling
"commercial" use without permission.  I also saw this: "The new DSSP,
is distributed as executable only. You can get the new DSSP source
code only if you can convince us that it is really needed for a worthy
scientific cause."

Or am I looking in the wrong place?


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