Hi Ronan,

On 28 Jan 2013, at 12:18, ronan.kee...@stfc.ac.uk wrote:

> Well spotted! We originally gave structure factors to SHELXE in our testing 
> as for most of our test cases we only had F/SIGF available. We were advised 
> to change to intensities but somehow in the released version the "-f" flag 
> remained. I'll make the change and put it in a CCP4 update. Ideally we should 
> be using the original intensities rather than converting the structure 
> factors so we'll look to adding that as an input option. 

Thanks for confirming that! Perhaps the option to add a hkl file for shelxe 
would be a useful? Since I use XDS to integrate and scale data it's as easy to 
generate the shelx format hkl file from the unmerged XDS_ASCII.HKL as it is to 
use the merged intensities in the mtz from the 
aimless/truncate/unique/freerflag pipeline. The only issue with this I can see 
is that there will be no freeR flags but I don't think that shelxe uses these 



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