Note that you'll need a crossover rather than a straight through serial
cable and probably a DB25 to DS9 adaptor, but once you get your hands on
the cable this is a straightforward solution.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Johan Hattne <> wrote:

> On 23 Jan 2013, at 16:07, Dave Roberts <> wrote:
> > Anyway, we have an old Indigo SGI that runs our NMR.  It's a console
> only system, and we access it via the network from another old SGI (toaster
> model - blue).  The console does not have a video card (nor space for one),
> so I can't plug in to it and see what's happening.
> >
> > Anyway, our network was recently updated, and in doing so it has made
> access to our console system unavailable.  We can't get there because the
> IP's that used to be needed are no more.
> I'm not familiar with the Indigo, but I presume it has a serial port over
> which you could log in to the machine.  Connect the Indigo to an accessible
> machine with a serial cable (you can even get serial/USB adapters that
> sort-of work, too) and run something like minicom or screen.
> // Cheers; Johan
>       Postdoctoral Fellow @ Physical Biosciences Division
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