Hi James,

The first place I'd look is oxygen conc, as you'll get different aeration
from different vessel shapes/sizes. You could play around with shaking
speed and/or flask geometry to try to get more or less aeration.

Shane Caldwell
McGill University

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Murray, James W

> Dear All.
> A question on protein expression.
> We have been doing small scale test expressions in 15ml of terrific
> broth+kanamycin using E.coli KRX cells in falcon tubes. On reaching
> OD600 of ~0.6 we induced with rhamnose+IPTG and expressed for 4 hours
> at 37 C. There is a big band corresponding to our protein in the
> soluble fraction and not much in the insoluble fraction. However, on
> scaling up to 1 L TB cultures (with same concentrations of kanamycin
> and inducing with same concs of rhamnose+IPTG) we don't get strong
> over expression. Has anyone else experienced problems when scaling up
> expression? (and more importantly, solved them?)
> best wishes
> James
> --
> Dr. James W. Murray
> David Phillips Research  Fellow
> Division of Molecular Biosciences
> Imperial College, LONDON
> Tel: +44 (0)20 759 48895

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