El 21/12/12 05:16, dengzq1987 escribió:
> Hi all,
> recently, i perform an EMSA experiment.when i prepared the DNA with a 5'
> poly(G)-tailed ,i find that it formed guanine tetraplexes .how can i
> prevent this happen,or has any method to disrupt the
> guanine tetraplexes  structure? any suggestion is appreciation.
> dengzq


How you know the tail forms tetraplexes? Couldn't be other type of
structure? Tetraplexes are stabilized by potassium and, to a lesser
extent by sodium cations. Try to avoid them in your buffer or to keep
them to a minimum. Or you can use lithium as counterion, it is too small
to stabilize the tetraplexes. Another option is to add a complementary
poly(C) oligo before running your EMSA.



Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR7257)
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